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STORY #50 -  P Lee  QLD

This is the always happy me when I am playing my always makes me happy so when darkness comes my way I pick up my guitar and chase the dark clouds away. Though no one even knows my very special songs that I love to sing and play This is the always happy me and hope will always be



STORY #8  -  #vikmanozzy  Helsinki, Finland

Just me and my guitar, without music my life would lack purpose



STORY #6  -  S Costello - NSW 

It wasn’t that he was proud so much of playing his red guitar rather than merely owning it. In fact, he really couldn’t play that well at all. That didn’t seem to matter though because the pure excitement on his face from playing for you meant you couldn’t help but enjoy it... And the mere fact I listened intently with as big a smile as he had made both our days that little bit better.


I realised later that day that it costs nothing to listen...


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