The Stories of Strangers Exhibition is a collection of 21 original artworks created from 2018 and 2020 which explore the idea that everyone sees something different when they look at a piece of art, coloured by their memories, experiences, and imagination.
The Stories of Strangers exhibition asks its audience to share the story they see in the art and publishes these stories online for anyone to read, compare and enjoy. Stories can be anything – a tall tale, a true tale, a poem, or a good one-liner. They can be in any voice and any length, just as long as they’re yours and inspired by the art. All ages and abilities are welcome to tell a story.
NOTE: The Stories of Strangers exhibition has finished. Culminating in an exhibition at Art Space on The Concourse, NSW, during July and August 2020, the exhibition shared over 90 submissions, including short stories, poems, limericks, and even two musical compositions.
To read the stories, poems, and other imaginings of strangers or contribute your own, click on the images below. There are some crackers!